Library Internet Policy

The Library's Internet workstations are available for use on a "first-come-first-served" basis.  Sessions will be limited to 1 hour. A maximum of two (2) persons may use an Internet computer workstation at a time. Computer sessions end 15 minutes before the Library closes.  

Children under the age of 18 must have signed permission from a parent or guardian before using the Internet. Permission slips must be signed in person at the Library.

Library staff will not knowingly tolerate children under 18 accessing sites containing obscene material, as defined by the Connecticut State Statutes. However, as with other library materials, restriction of a child's access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. The Library accepts the American Library Association's resolution which supports constitutionally protected free speech.

Access to material of a controversial or mature nature, as well as to material that is not accurate, complete, or current, is unavoidable. The Library cannot control the information available through the Internet and does not accept responsibility for its quality, accuracy or currency.

Users may not install or download software programs onto the Library computer's hard drive. Users shall not attempt to violate the computer security systems or attempt to access the hard drive, other files, networks or computer systems of the Library.

The Library's Internet workstations are in public areas and are shared by patrons of all ages. Therefore, all patrons are asked to refrain from accessing potentially offensive information or images. Internet privileges will be suspended if the use of the Internet workstations is not in keeping with this policy. Display of graphic images that may be interpreted as harassment is prohibited.  In addition, Internet users are subject to the Library's Code of Conduct.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to establish rules and procedures for the use of the Internet or computer equipment, has full authority to grant, refuse or revoke permission for access to the Internet and reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.

Board approved 12/10/02
Revised 12/19/05

Wireless Access Information

Users with a laptop and a compatible wireless card or internal wireless capabilities can access the Library’s free Wi-Fi Hot Spot.

For reasons of liability, Library staff cannot assist with problems related to wireless devices or assist in making changes to devices’ settings and/or configurations.  Users not comfortable making these changes should not use the service.  The Library cannot guarantee that devices will work with the Library’s wireless access points.

Transmitting personal information, such as credit card numbers and passwords, is not recommended.  The Library is not responsible for any information (i.e. credit card) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to your hardware or software due to electric surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or hacking.  Please take appropriate precautions when using this service.

  • Printing is not available through the wireless connection.  
  • Audio files should be listened to only through headphones.

All users are expected to use the Library’s wireless access in accordance with the Library’s Internet policy.