The library can provide answers to reference questions submitted in person, by phone, fax or email. If unable to answer your question completely, library staff will make every effort to obtain the information from other sources.
Internet, Wi-Fi and online resources at Cragin
Patrons may reserve materials at the Check Out Desks, at any catalog workstation, by telephone or online. Special school reserve materials are set aside for use on class assignments and school projects.
Interlibrary Loan
Materials located at other Connecticut libraries may be requested via the statewide interlibrary loan system.
Fax, Photocopier and Printers
Patrons may send or receive faxes.
- First page sent: $2.00
- First page received: $2.00
- $.50 for each additional page
Computer printouts are available for 15 cents each. Color printouts are available for 50 cents each.
Copies are available for 15 cents each for black and white, 50 cents each for color.
Non-Print Formats
DVDs and Blu-ray Discs:
More than 4,000 feature and non-fiction DVDs and Blu-ray Discs are available.
Compact Disks:
Fiction and nonfiction books on CD, music CD's and CD-ROM's are available. Our collection is enhanced by additional materials borrowed from the Connecticut State Library.
Downloadable Media
Audio books, videos, e-books and e-magazines may be borrowed through the Library’s online catalog.
Museum Passes
Patrons may check out passes for free and discounted admission to several area attractions.
Local History
The library has a small local history and genealogy collection. Additional information may be obtained from the Connecticut State Library, Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT; The Godfrey Library, Newfield Street, Middletown, CT; or the Connecticut Historical Society, Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT.
Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Cragin Memorial Library meet on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Libary. Goals are to promote awareness and enhance usage of the Library by raising funds for programs, materials, equipment and services not included in the regular Library budget. You are invited to join the Friends at any time by requesting information at the Check Out Desks.
Patrons who wish to volunteer their time to the library often assist regular staff with special programs and provide support in the shelving, processing and repair of materials. Their assistance is invaluable and greatly appreciated.
Patrons with Special Needs
Colchester residents who are homebound or who have physical disabilities may request special services by phone, including access to the Connecticut Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. A collection of Large Print books is available. A print magnifier is available for use in the library or can be borrowed. Area convalescent homes, day care providers and teachers may make special lending arrangements.
The Library staff does not restrict access to materials on the basis of the age of the borrower. Parents or other caregivers are requested to supervise children in their selection of print and non-print materials. Parents of minors need to read and sign the library's Internet policy before their children use library workstations.
Meeting Rooms
The library has several meeting rooms available for use. Please see a staff person at the upstairs Check Out Desk for information on the reservation procedure.
Library Programs
The library offers Story Hours for preschool children during the school year and Summer Reading Programs for both preschoolers and grade school students. Information concerning special programs for adults and children is provided through our newsletter, flyers, announcements printed in area newspapers and the Library's website.