Bluebirds and Backyard Habitats - Norton A

Event Date: 
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Co-Sponsored by The Colchester Garden Club, Colchester Land Trust and Friends of Cragin Memorial Library. This program is in support of the Community Wildlife Habitat of Colchester and its annual recertification with the National Wildlife Federation.

Habitat destruction is the biggest threat to bird species around the world, including here in Connecticut. One of the best things you can do for birds is create a backyard habitat that provides the resources birds need. One species in particular that has benefited from backyard habitats is the Eastern Bluebird, with bluebird boxes providing much needed nesting habitats. CT Audubon Society's RTP Estuary Center's Conservation & Education Coordinator Joe Attwater will teach you how you can attract bluebirds, as well as sparrows, warblers, and more to your backyard, and which bird species are likely to visit you in Connecticut this time of year.