Programs & Services
The Colchester Senior Center has so much to offer YOU! We serve adults (ages 55 and over) from Colchester and surrounding communities with programs and services to meet every interest and ability.
- Assorted recreational, health, fitness, educational classes and/or social programs
- Wellness Health Clinics offered monthly including Blood Pressure Screenings, Flu and COVID Vaccine Clinics
- Making Memories Program for those facing memory loss/dementia
- Social Service Programs such as Renter's Rebate and the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), available through Social Services Coordinator at 860-537-7203
- Assistance with Medicare through our CHOICES Counselor (by appointment)
- AARP Tax Aide for free tax preparation assistance (February-April, by appointment)
- Community Cafe meal served on site at 12:00 noon on Monday through Friday
- Meals-on-Wheels deliveries to those who are home bound
- In-Town Senior Transportation for Colchester residents over the age of 60 and those over the age of 18, who are determined to be permanently disabled through Social Security for local errands such as to/from the senior center, grocery shopping, pharmacy, banking, beauty/barber appointments and local medical appointments (see Senior Transportation)
- Out-of-Town Senior Transportation for medical appointments within a 40 mile radius of Colchester (see Senior Transportation)
- Travel Opportunities including local-day trips, overnight trips, cruises and even international travel, as advertised
Programs, services, events and trips are detailed in our monthly newsletter, Colchester Senior Center News. For more information, click link below.