First Selectman's Report - 3/4/22

Happy March, Everyone!!
We are three months into the new year and I’m excited for all the wonderful possibilities. March is the month where we transition from winter to spring, and I think we can all agree that these ice-cold temperatures have overstayed their welcome!! With that said, I leave you with the First Selectman’s report and the latest from the desk of Chatham Health.
Andreas Bisbikos
First Selectman
Current Updates:
  1. The ARPA Committee restarted its meetings on Monday, February 28th. As a reminder, there is $1M in ARPA funds specifically earmarked for our local businesses. A business may receive up to $25K in federal funds. Please apply and complete your ARPA Application here:    You may reach out to [email protected] if you have any further questions. Deadlines for local businesses are April 30th.
  2. Last night’s Board of Selectmen was very spirited over the use of ARPA funds to establish a state-of-the-art Hybrid Meeting Room. A vote was expected last night, but it was postponed until March 17th, the next Board of Selectmen meeting, to ensure consensus. A demonstration of the Hybrid Meeting Room and an immediate vote will occur right after. While I can’t speak for the rest of the BOS, I am 110% committed to this project and bringing our community into the 21st century. With the conception of a state-of-the-art Hybrid Meeting Room, the community will have unparalleled access to town meetings while simultaneously meeting all FOI standards. It is time our elected officials embrace the future.
  3. The 2021 Grand List is up 22% from the previous year. Real Property is up 22.5%, motor vehicle is up 25.7%, and personal property is up 16.2%. Our current mill rate is 33.05. A combination of an increase in the Grand List, an increase in revenue, and fiscally conservative budgets will provide us the perfect storm to achieve a historic reduction in the current mill rate.
  4. The Colchester Business Association will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony for The Colchester Urgent Care Center on Saturday, March 19th for 2 pm at their 179 Linwood Ave location. We hope you all can make it.
  5. The Colchester Senior Center has reached a new milestone by reaching its 1,500th member!! Thank you, Patty, for all your hard work.
  6. The Board of Selectmen unanimously approved the C-Tip application for ARK Distillery. ARK Distillery (Acts of Random Kindness) is a vision by two women to start a whiskey infusion business which is fun, socially responsible, environmentally friendly and produces an enjoyable product. They will be partnering with an established distiller in Kentucky, with a 6-year goal of distilling bourbon and whiskey at their Colchester location. The property C-TIP tax abatement to ARK Station, LLC proposed in the amounts of 100% in year one, 100% in year two, 100% in year three of the increase in real property tax for proposed improvements to the existing building at 200 Lebanon Avenue. The C-TIP will be brought to a Town Meeting on March 17th for 6:30 pm at Town Hall, Meeting Room 1.
  7. The Board of Selectmen unanimously approved of UCONN wildlife major students to develop a Wildlife Management Plan for a 75-acre property owned by the town on Middletown Road.
  8. Concerned citizens have requested that the Board of Selectmen consider adopting a new ordinance regarding dog litter. Should we fine individuals who don’t clean up after their dogs? Take the poll here:
  9. The Youth First Coalition is rolling out their 2022 Youth and Community Survey.  The Community Survey collects the valued opinions of Colchester Parents and Community Members related to issues that affect Colchester youth.  They will use the feedback to develop programs and initiatives to benefit the health & wellness of Colchester Youth.  Due to covid, this is their first time administering the survey since 2019.They are looking forward to hearing from the community! The survey is open for community members and parents until April 8th and is accessed through this Survey Monkey Link:
  10. Cragin Memorial Library will be hosting a book sale beginning Friday, March 4th all the way until Wednesday, March 9th.  Please consider making the trip!!