Summer 2022 FAQs

How do I register? Registration is online only. We recommend creating an account prior to opening day of Summer Registration so that the process is quicker for you! Please visit navigate to the Youth and Social Services page, and look for the Register tab. There are no paper registrations.

What grade do you have to be in? Registration for summer is based on the grade you are entering into in the Fall of 2022.

What if my family cannot afford the trips? We have financial assistance available for qualified families. Applications should be submitted at least one week in advance and updated once every 12 months. The scholarship application can be found on the Program Scholarship Application tab on our website.

Where do trips leave from and how do you get there? All off-site trips depart from and return to Town Hall at 127 Norwich Avenue. Transportation is provided by Youth Services staff in our 12- passenger vans.

How do I get in contact with staff members on the trip? Call our office at 860-537-7255 and we will get in touch with trip staff.

What if it rains? If a trip is cancelled due to weather, all registered participants will receive an e-mail. If you are not sure if a trip is still on, check your email. Cancellations will also be posted on our website and Facebook page. We try to cancel as far in advance as possible, but will always cancel by 7:30 AM.

"Oh no, I can’t swim!": Please be sure that you know what your child’s capabilities and limitations are and pass that information on to us. Many of our trips require the ability to swim so please make sure to check those requirements.

Refund and Cancellation Policy: In most cases, refunds will only be given for fees if cancellation is received in our office at least 48 hours prior to the trip.  In the case of extenuating circumstances, refunds may be given at our discretion. You can ONLY cancel by calling the office at 860-537-7255, you can NOT cancel online or on Facebook.

Should I bother with the wait list? YES! People always cancel which allows us to bring kids up from the wait list. If people are cancelling a day or two before, we often end up calling several kids before finding one who still wants to or can go.

What to bring? You can find what you need to bring on each trip by reading the program descriptions on the 2022 Summer Calendar or on the Summer 2022 tab on our website.

Do kids need extra spending money? On some trips there are snack bars and arcades that are not included in the trip fee. If kids need money for lunch, it is listed on the calendar.