First Selectman’s Report: 10/2 - 10/6

Wizard of Paws

1. Colchester’s 325th Birthday Party

Please join me for an event of the ages! On Friday, October 13th the Town of Colchester will be celebrating its 325th anniversary. The Gala will be at Priam Vineyards from 7pm – 10 pm. To buy tickets and to learn more, please follow the link at 

2. Town Hall Roof

The Board of Selectmen unanimously awarded the Town Hall Roof Replacement Contract Bid 2023-004 to Ahova Home Improvement LLC for $290,225 in ARPA funds and have the First Selectman sign all necessary documents.

The contract has been signed and the project is expected to be completed before November 7th. The project came in $40K less than the allotted cost set by the Board of Selectmen. In communicating with the contractor, they have made a commitment to begin work next week.

3. Moody’s Investors Service on Colchester

Let’s all recognize Mary Williamson’s (Finance Director) & Andrea Migliaccio’s (Board of Finance Chair) due diligence for this success.

Moody's Investors Service has confirmed Colchester (Town of) CT’s Aa3 issuer and general obligation unlimited tax (GOULT) ratings. 


The Aa3 issuer rating reflects the town’s moderate debt burden, low pension liability and strong wealth and income profile. Colchester's financial operations have generally been balanced, and the town has used surpluses to add to fund balance in recent years. The town’s available fund 
balance and liquidity ratios are in line with Connecticut peers despite being lower than the Aa3 rated peers in other states. The strong revenue performance resulted in a small surplus in 2022. 
We expect the town to continue to show surpluses in 2023 and 2024. The town has steadily 
paid down its debt, which has kept the fixed costs ratio low.

4. Per the recommendation of the Public Works Department and due to its time-sensitive nature, the First Selectman signed an agreement with Dime Oil on heating oil, diesel fuel, and gasoline for the 24-25 FY Budget. The net savings for next year’s budget will be nearly $19K.

5. Fire Department Fire & EMS – Open House

We cordially invite you to our open house event on Sunday, October 15th, 2023, from 11am until 2pm. Come on down and meet your local firefighters and EMS providers! Check out our equipment, fire prevention and safety information, and our Headquarters station (52 Old Hartford Road!

The following will take place, but is not limited to:
- Vehicle Extrication Demonstration
- Fire Extinguisher Training & Demonstration
- Fire Safety and Prevention Information Available
- Firefighter Gear Try On
- Antique Fire Truck Rides to the fire museum
- Blood Pressure Screenings & Ambulance Tour
- Touch-a-Truck
- Smokey the Bear Visit
- Gator UTV & Marine Units on Display
- CPR / Lucas Device Demonstration
- DEEP demonstrations
- State police seat belt convincer
- Hot dogs for Lunch (while supplies last)
- Fire museum (100 South Main Street) open for tour

We hope to see you all! As always, thank you for your continued support with our mission and service to our great community. Be safe.

6. The Board of Selectmen unanimously set a Public Hearing date of Thursday, October 26th, 2023, for 6:30 PM at 127 Norwich Avenue, Meeting Room 1 for the Colchester Tax Exemption Ordinance for Volunteer Firefighters Proposed Updates Chapter 129 Article VIII.

7. The Collaborative for Colchester's Children, C3, will be hosting a free Community Baby Shower for Colchester residents who are expecting, or have an infant up to three months old, on Wednesday, October 11th at 6:30-8:00pm at Cragin Memorial Library. The event will include free gifts, community resources, games, and light refreshments. Families should register at

8. Wizard of Paws

This week, I had the pleasure of meeting Deb Torracca (owner), her fantastic team, and a few little friends at Wizard of Paws. They have been in business for over twenty-two years, with 15 years at their current Westchester location at 155 Westchester Road.

Wizard of Paws specializes in physical rehabilitation and wellness for small animals.  Their clinic sees mostly dogs, but have also provided care to cats, ducks, and guinea pigs.  Other animals that have made guest appearances include alpacas, turkeys, and goats. They aim to improve the quality of life of every animal that they tend to.

From six weeks to eighteen years old, they treat dogs of all ages and sizes. Conditions such as osteoarthritis, obesity, post-surgical healing, degenerative myelopathy, neurological support, amputations, pain, and immobility.  From a beloved pet to a trained dog, everyone under the sun is welcome at Wizard of Paws. 

To learn more you may follow them on Facebook: Instagram at wizard.of.paws or on their website at


Andreas Bisbikos

First Selectman