First Selectman's Report January 24, 2025

Colchester Water Plant Reliability Project and Grant

2025/2026 Budget Survey
The Board of Finance has released its annual budget survey for the 2025-2026 fiscal year. The survey is available online here:

The survey will remain open until Friday, February 7, 2025.

Colchester Budget Survey link 2025

Colchester water Reliability Project and Grant

Water Reliability Project and Grant
Today, the Public Works Department received bids on a project to repair damaged filter vessels at our Water Department plant at Cabin Road/Taintor Hill. Colchester Sewer & Water is slated to receive a partial grant from the CT Drinking Water State Revolving Fund in addition to a low interest loan to perform this work. This would allow us to complete the project with no financial impact to water and sewer ratepayers or taxpayers!

Colchester water Reliability Project and Grant

For several years, two of the five filter vessels at this plant have been damaged and unusable. This significantly reduces our Town’s public water capacity. Colchester is growing with new businesses and homes, and our public water capacity is approaching its limit due to these failed vessels. In the late 1980s, the Town faced a building moratorium due to water capacity issues. Today, this would impede economic development and harm our community’s tax base. Sufficient water capacity is also a requirement for our fire department to be able to respond effectively to fire emergencies. Fixing this is critical to public safety and future economic growth.

Our plan to repair the filter vessel plant would not affect rates or taxes, but the DWSRF requires the issuance of a bond note that would have to be approved at public referendum. We will be looking to present information about this project and the opportunity to fund this essential work through DWSRF to the Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, and the public in the coming weeks.


Special Town Meeting - Bacon Athletic Complex Building Committee
A Special Town Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 30 at 7:00 PM at the Colchester Town Hall to consider and act on forming a Bacon Academy Athletic Complex Renovation Building Committee.

The Board of Selectmen has unanimously voted to propose a 5 to 7 member building committee charged with overseeing a proposed renovation of the Bacon athletic complex in coordination with certain elements at the RecPlex such as the tennis courts. Formation of the building committee requires approval at Town Meeting which is open to all Colchester voters.

Bacon Academy Stadium Field Upgrade recommendations

View the Recreation Needs and Coordination Committee Report regarding the recommendations for Bacon Academy and the RecPlex here: Recreation Needs and Coordination Committee Report

Colchester Community Theatre presents Newsies

Colchester Community Theatre Presents: Newsies
Colchester Community Theatre will be performing Disney’s Newsies: The Broadway Musical from Friday, February 14 to Sunday, February 16. Cast rehearsals are underway now and tickets are already on-sale online at 

Colchester Lions Club, Tony Tarnowski, Bernie Dennler First Selectman

Colchester Lions Honor Tony Tarnowski
On Sunday, Colchester resident Tony Tarnowski was honored by Colchester Lions and the Lions Club District 23 as Colchester Lion’s Humanitarian of the Year.

Colchester Lions Club, Tony Tarnowski

Special guests including WFSB Channel 3’s Scott Haney and Renee DeNino presented Tony with an award recognizing his contributions to the Colchester community. The award recognized his volunteer contributions to his community over the course of his life and his service to the Senior Center Building Committee in particular. The new Senior Center is a place for residents 55 and older as well as disabled residents to come together and experience community. Tony’s leadership on the Building Committee through challenging times was instrumental in ensuring the project was eventually completed and that doors were able to open for Colchester residents last month.

Congratulations, Tony on a much-deserved honor!

Bernie Dennler
First Selectman
Town of Colchester