First Selectman's Report - December 20, 2024

Bernie Dennler First Selectman Colchester Connecticut, Susan Bysiewicz, Lieutenant Govenor Connecticut

Colchester Senior Center - Now Open

On Wednesday, we celebrated the grand opening and ribbon cutting of the Colchester Senior Center at 15 Louis Lane.

The new Colchester Senior Center will give Colchester residents 55 and older a community space to join in activities, games, meals, conversation, and fitness!

This center will also serve the entire Colchester community of all ages, with a new community room and space to host events and programming year-round right here in our downtown.

The Colchester Senior Center also represents the start of a revitalization here on Lebanon Ave along with our new streetscape sidewalk project which expands walkability for multiple neighborhoods to our Town Center that will help support the economic health and development of our downtown.

Colchester Senior Center Opening

Colchester Senior Center Opening

Colchester Senior Center Opening

I want to acknowledge everyone who helped bring this project to fruition, including past First Selectmen Art Shilosky, Mary Bylone, and Andreas Bisbikos; the entire Senior Center Building Committee, its chair Tony Tarnowski, and Senior Center Director Patty Watts; state Sen. Norm Needleman and former state Rep. Brian Smith who helped bring a $2.5 million DECD grant to the project with the support of Gov. Ned Lamont and Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz; Stephen Bendas, a Colchester resident and U.S. Navy Vet who left over $500,000 in his will to the Senior Center that was used to help fund construction; and the entire Colchester community that believed in and supported the new building through numerous board meetings, Town Meetings, and two referenda.

state rep Mark DeCaprio and Senior Center Director Patty Watts

Senior Center chair Tony Tarnowski and First Selectman Bernie Dennler

Thank you all! I can't wait for you to have the chance to experience this new space where Colchester can come together.

Tyche planning and policy group

Grant Writing Services - Tyche Group

Last night, the Board of Selectmen voted to contract with Tyche Planning & Policy Group for grant writing services with a one-year contract funded by ARPA. Tyche provides support to Connecticut for land use, planning, and development matters as well as grant writing services for grants such as STEAP (Small Town Economic Assistance), Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP), Community Connectivity.

Tyche has secured millions of dollars in these development and infrastructure-focused grants for similar Connecticut towns. This initiative is an investment in our community’s future, designed to help save local taxpayers money while moving Colchester forward. Recently, the Town of Colchester received about $1 million under the LOTCIP grant to fund the Lebanon Ave sidewalk project. We are looking forward to working with Tyche to help bring more opportunities like this to Colchester..

Bacon Magnet Proposal Update

The Board of Education met on Wednesday to discuss the proposed magnet program at Bacon Academy - the Hayward Academy for Public Service. The Board of Education has decided to hold a new series of community input sessions and surveys on the proposal. They also agreed to join a tri-board meeting with the Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen before making a final decision in January. I appreciate the Board of Education’s decision to take a step back to gather more community feedback and provide more data to residents and the Boards before moving forward.

This Board of Education is also launching a new way for residents to stay up-to-date on school-related news even for residents who are not parents. Residents can sign-up for school news by clicking here:

After registering and activating your account, you'll start receiving notifications when new messages are posted. You can view these posts by clicking the link in ParentSquare.

Colchester youth services 5k run

New Year’s Resolution Run

Start the new year off running at the annual Colchester Youth Services Resolution 5K Run!

Sign up here:

  • Wednesday, January 1st, 2025
  • Registration (Day-Of) & Bib Pick-Up begins at 8:30am
  • Race begins at 10am
  • $30 Pre-Registration
  • $40 Day-Of Registration
  • *$10 off for those 18 and under*

Begins at Colchester Town Hall

*Performance Tees will be provided to the first 200 Registered*

Colchester youth and social services programs are moving

Youth Center Programming Moving - January 2025

After 2 will be relocating to the former Senior Center at 95 Norwich Ave (on the way to the Youth Center, shortly after the Town Hall) right after Winter Break.

As they continue to work on improving the Youth Center (40 Norwich Avenue), we are going to take advantage of all of the space and opportunities we could have in this new space!

We will resume After 2 on Thursday, January 2nd. Members will walk from WJJMS after school. We will have a staff member crossing students at the crosswalk at the former Senior Center.

Pick up will be at 4:30pm at 95 Norwich Ave.

December Veteran’s Coffee House

Colchester veterans will be meeting at Cragin Library tomorrow, Saturday, December 21 from 10:15 am - 12:00 pm in Norton Room A for the monthly veteran’s coffee house event.

January Tax Bills

Notice from Tax Collector Michele Wyatt… Motor Vehicle Supplements were mailed on December 17th.  The second installment bill for Real Estate taxes was sent in July 2024. No additional bills for the second installment of Real Estate taxes will be mailed.
For complete notice:

Holiday Hours

Town Buildings will close to the public at noon on Tuesday, December 24 in observance of Christmas Eve. Cragin Library will close at 1PM. All Buildings will be closed Wednesday, December 25 for Christmas Day.

Town Buildings will close to the public at noon on Tuesday, December 31 in observance of New Year’s Eve. Cragin Library will close at 1PM. All Buildings will be closed on Wednesday, January 1 for New Year’s Day.

Transfer Station Holiday Hours

The Transfer Station will close early at 11AM on the Tuesdays of Christmas Eve - December 24 - and New Year’s Eve - December 31.

Colchester Transfer station Holiday Hours

Colchester Ag Commission Notice Christmas Trees for animals

Social Services - Thank You

Youth and Social Services celebrated our food bank volunteers with a luncheon on Dec 16, 2024. We'd like to thank them for their willingness to give their time and service. Their support allows us to continue to fulfill our mission and serve a great number of people in our community each year. Thanks to their efforts and generosity, we will be able to continue to meet the needs of our community by providing food to those in need. Not only does their work support our organization but it also supports our entire community. 

We wish you all a very merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, and a happy New Year!!!

We wish you all a very merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, and a happy New Year!!!

Bernie Dennler
First Selectman
Town of Colchester